Darko Bislimowski from Macedonia

01.12.2014 Introduction
Germany with the population of about 80 million people is around 35 times bigger than Macedonia. As you arrive with the plane, you could have a view over the beautiful landscape covered with woodlands, numerous lakes and windmills, combined with great biodiversity. During the walk through the cities (Berlin, Magdeburg) there are still ruins from the old German architecture, but, unfortunatelly, much is destroyed in the world wars. Berlin is famous for its numerous cultural institutions, such as galleries, museums, festivals, nightlife, art and education. 

Internship – most interesting
The internship in Berlin was at ‘Praxis – Jessen’, private clinic-consultance acredited by Charite Universitatmedizin. The clinic is specialized for HIV(AIDS), HepatitisA-B-C, sexually transmissive diseases such as syphilis (treponema pallidum), diseases caused by mycoplasma genitalium, chlamydia trachomatis, neisseria gonorrhoeae, infectology, general medicine, proctology, sports medicine. In Magdeburg the internship was at Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Klinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie. Most of the time I was in the operating room assisting on procedures such as ACB, ACVB, TAR, MKR/E, AKR/E, OPCAB. There was opportunity to see also minimally invasive procedures: MIC-MKR/E, MIDCAB, TAVI, bio-conduct replacement of aorta ascendens, carotis TEA, and smaller procedures such as DDD pacer, VATS. I was allowed to do the suturing (closure) of arm, leg and sternum. In general, german physicians are great socially responsible persons (doctors), they are polite with the patients, handshake, show empathy and ethics, without discrimination.

The accomodation in Berlin was very comfortable, placed in Prenzauer Allee in a shared flat with one roommate. The accomodation in Buchel was in a tent in a camp for one week. The accomodation in Magdeburg was in a shared flat.

Unfortunatelly, the only nuclear weapon facility in Germany is located withing great nature in Büchel. Helping with building the camp, preparing the meal, transparents on the bridge in Cochem. There were also blockades on the main entrances of the facility.

Perhaps the only thing I disliked during the stay in Germany was the lateness and delay of the regional trains, so I had to find alternative ways to reach the desired place.

Most of the Germans are vegetarians. I have nothing against the vegetarian food, but my stomach needs meat as well. The fruit and vegetables are not as tasty as in Macedonia.

