Gast aus der Türkei

von Hilal Çelik

01.12.2016 Hallo an alle!
Ich heiße Hilal Çelik und bin Medizinstudentin im letzten Semester und Ärztin im Praktikum in Izmir. Ich möchte meine Erfahrungen während eines Praktikums in Deutschland, das über die IPPNW vermittelt wurde, mit euch teilen.
Ursprünglich war für dieses Praktikum eine andere Kommilitonin vorgesehen, die großes Interesse und sich frühzeitig beworben hatte, dann aber leider absagen musste. Im Türkischen gibt es das Sprichwort vom „Kismet“ und nun hatte das Kismet mich ausgesucht.
Am 15. Juli, einen Tag nach meinen Prüfungen, bin ich, um mich bei Anne zu bedanken und die Geschäftsstelle der IPPNW und Berlin kennenzulernen, zuerst dorthin gereist.


Guest from Macedonia

by Goce Kalcev

01.12.2016 My stay in Berlin, which was organized by IPPNW, was beyond my expectations. Berlin is one of those cities that I was eager to visit. I wanted to get to know its rhythm, lifestyle, people and culture.

The possibility to take part in the medical practice and the work that is done in Berlin was literally the fulfillment of my dream.

The organization responsible for this internship was very professional and gave me the opportunity to do the clinical part of the stay in the areas of Gynecology and Obstetrics, which are of particular interest for me.


Guest from Kenya

by Dilys Nyariki

01.12.2016 “The gladdest moment in human life, I think, is a departure into unknown lands.” - Tim Cahill.

I first heard of the International Physicians for prevention against Nuclear War during an annual Medical Students’ Scientific conference. The organization had just kicked off in Kenya and a beneficiary to the exchange was giving a presentation on their experience. Two things were certain then: The organization was one worth joining and being part of the exchange program was worth a try. A year down the line, the IPPNW Eldoret branch was set up and the events and activities carried out by it were having a great impact on the students and on the community within and outside of the college of health sciences.


Guest from Nepal

by Tanka Raj Ban

01.12.2016 Dear Coordinator and Friends, my name is Tanka Raj Ban. I am a medical student from Nepal. I had gotten the golden opportunity to participate in the “engage and practice medical student exchange program 2016”, conducted by IPPNW, an honorable organization, in Germany. It became possible through the communication with IPPNW coordinator Anne. I am sharing my experience with deepest pleasure and honor.



