28. August – 3. September | Berlin

Global Health Summer School 2016: Beyond Trauma

Bewerbung bis 15. Mai 2016

The Institute for Social Medicine, Epidemiology and Health Economics of the Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and the International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War Germany (IPPNW) are hosts of the 6th Global Health Summer School (August 28th - September 3rd) in Berlin.

This year’s Summer School will explore the relationships between political violence, trauma, empowerment and health in the light of the current refugee crisis. As future health professionals it is important to develop a basic understanding of trauma caused by “men made disasters” and the social determinants of health and healing. During the week we will also address the root causes of refugee movements and explore the social and political situation in the host countries. We will learn from and discuss with refugees about the challenges and needs of refugee communities and assess what they do or need to improve their health.  

Participants will gain a thorough understanding of issues related to trauma and refugee health and its determinants through interactive lectures, workshops, excursions as well as skills training.

More information and application: health-and-globalisation.org




Anne Jurema
Referentin "Soziale Verantwortung"
Tel. 030/698074 - 17
Email: jurema[at]ippnw.de

Laura Wunder
Referentin für Klimagerechtigkeit und Global Health
Tel. 030 / 698074 - 19
Email: wunder[at]ippnw.de



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